S A R A N G H A E 사랑해

Can't get enough .
Assalamualaikum , heyy . It's 4:15 pm and aku still belum mandi . hahahah , lek ah , standard ah tu. hihi ^^ Okay, actually dari siang tadi aku dok tengok Twilight. Seriously, masa zaman sekolah dulu takde la aku tergila sgt cerita ni. Bila dah tengok sekali nah kauuuu , baru aku paham perasaan kwn kwn aku kat sekolah dulu yang bila sebut twilight je terus menjerit. Hahahah , okay aku mengaku that I can't get enough of the twilight series. Sehari je aku habiskan semua series weh ! Hahah , nampak tak permainan di situ. And the ONE MAIN REASON aku tgok twilight sebab Robert Pattinson yang super duper triple HANDSOMEEEEE ! Omaigod, will you marry me Robert  ^^

SEE ! Comel gilaaaa bila dia senyum even he's a vampire. Such a perfect genes.

How sweet ending ^^ And setiap kali la aku tengok si Taylor Lautner tu aku teringat je dekat mybestboyfriend Aidil . Muka sama wehhhhh . Tak caya ? tgok ni.

Sama tak sama tak . Well, kalau lain sikit biasalah, gambar kan . Hehe . Btw, bestboyfriend really means BoyFriend and not special boyfriend. Aidil is awesome okay, and he's my bestie.
Okay, maybe that's all .Pinggang aku pun dah sakit menghadap lappy dr tadi. Oh Edward, please don't be sooo handsome ^__^  <3 Let me be your Bella Swan  okay ? 

Ahhhhhhh! *screaming + jumping + melting !

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